I apologize that my kitchen isn't 100% clean, but, well, I've resigned to the fact that my kitchen will never be "clean." A kitchen is like cookware: any pan is a non-stick pan if you don't cook in it, right?
By day, I'm a nerd. By boss deemed me "Ultimate Problem-Solver" when he offered me my current position. I'm 100% analytical. I'm an auditor by nature.
But by night, I CREATE. Give me a kitchen and a pantry full of ingredients, I will create something. I can't quite keep the analytical side of me out of the kitchen, though, but I've found that's not a bad thing. In fact, it helps me taste something that someone else has created and re-create it myself. This is one of my favorite things to do.
I've always enjoyed cooking. Even more, I love sharing my love of cooking with my friends. One day I mentioned that I'd come up with the perfect title for a food-blog, "Now I Sit Me Down To Eat." Ever since then, my friends have been after me to create said food-blog. Alas, here it is.
This food-blog is dedicated as follows:
To Chris, Krystal, Melissa, and Trish, who love my cooking almost as much as I do, and who have been waiting for this food-blog from the minute I mentioned that I someday wanted to create it (its possible they had this idea even before I did).
To my sisters, who call me for help with recipes when mom doesn't answer her phone.
Finally to my mom, who let me follow her around her kitchen as a kid. As much as I love The Food Network, I learned all the basics from my mother. If it weren't for her kitchen, I wouldn't be welcoming you into mine.
I'm not sure if anyone has ever dedicated a blog before, but, well, what you'll learn here I learned from someone else, and was encouraged to share these things with you by those that I love.